Wednesday, 31 October 2012

Evolution of the Birdbath and Birdcage Paintings

These are the new paintings that I showed at the art show over the weekend. I swore I would never do birdies but right behind me where I was putting on that first layer was an orange tree and a birdbath....

The Birdbath, Acrylic on Canvas, 92cm x 92cm, 36” x 36”

The Birdcage, Acrylic on Canvas, 92cm x 92cm, 36” x 36”

Here are some evolution pics:

Which painting do you like the best?


  1. They're both gorgeous Michelle....too difficult to pick a favourite :) They would brighten up anyone's house....Love them.

  2. Gosh I don't know which one I like best! They're both adorable and sweet and colorful! There is just something about birdbaths that I love though, especially in a painting! It's neat to see the progress as well.



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