Friday, 31 July 2015

ICAD 2015 and Myeloma Update

Index Card a Day 2015 finished today and here are my 61 index cards!!! The aim/challenge is to create a little piece of art on an index card for 61 days - I managed to create 61 cards over 61 days but I will confess there were days when I was too busy or too sick to create but I did think about the cards.

For more info on ICAD 2015 check out this blog:

Here are my favourite ones:
Here they are :

Here's how I binded them:

Healthwise - at the moment I am going through the stem cell harvest process which means that I have high dose chemo then injections to get the stem cells to multiply.  I'm tired and my hair is still falling out but I still have some!!! I'm doing ok, ups and downs, swings and roundabouts....

Wednesday, 1 July 2015

Myeloma Update and ICAD 2015

Myeloma update: Last Thursday I developed a pain in my ribs on my left hand side, on my back. It was a steady pain then it would get worse and then there would be shooting pain. Anyhow I went to the hospital on Saturday afternoon after spending Friday night on the recliner as I was more comfortable there than in bed. The doctor sorted out my pain medication and I went home on Sunday afternoon. I did have an x-ray taken, they are looking for a lesion - where the cancer has 'eaten' away at the bone - causing bone pain but have found nothing and I may need a CT scan. I have been pain free since Tuesday lunchtime but this morning my rash has returned. :(

This is me on April 1st before I began treatment and on July 1st - the moon face is from the steroids I take.

Index Card A Day 2015 Update:
Day 28
I really liked this page from an old book that I had brayered paint onto especially the title "What Every Woman Knows". Then I found this quote - "Time has a wonderful way of showing us what really matters". How true.

Index Card A Day 2015 - the aim is to create a little piece of art on an index card, everyday for 61 days.  Here are my first 30 days/cards.

Day 29 and 30

Days 19 - 27

Days 9 - 18

Hope everything is going well with you in your life.